Ridge HouseProject Completed: August 2017
Site Location: East Falls, Philadelphia, PA Client: John Harker - Landlord Skills: At-Grade Decks, Steps, Palette Retaining Wall, Landscape Beds, Seasonality, Trash Enclosure + Bench, LandFX, AutoCAD, Construction, Estimating Designer: Ryan Harris + Richard Vilabrera Jr. Project Team: Work4Tuition Project Description:The Ridge House Backyard construction was an on-going process in many phases. The first being a simple till, planting and mulching of the hill closest to the back of the house. After planting some shrubs and smaller flowering perennials, we decided the backyard could be such an opportunity to become a unique, outdoor experience for us as well as our various guests and house visitors. Due to drastic elevation changes creating unique levels, we decided to design and construct level areas for usable space. These areas are occupied by at grade decks, the lower deck features a fire-pit cut out with an insert constructed to fit within the cut out to allow for more usable space when the fire-pit is not in use. The previously collapsed retaining wall was cleaned up and blocked with a palette planters, anchored into the ground and existing deck. Behind the palettes features a unique french drain concept allow water to infiltrate into a perforated pipe and into the two river rock planters on each corner of the palettes. We also constructed new stairs for ease of access to the third level and a beautiful flowering sand cherry is added on the corner by the stairs. At the lower portion of the yard, a wooden trash can enclosure was constructed to hide the trash bins and both feature a whole in the top for events and easy access to concealed trash bins. The enclosures hold a bench for seating by the grille and above string lighting. Finally, the yard has been strung throughout with plastic all weather LED lighting and 4 tiki torches that enhances the space at night.